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Mr. Hicks's Fifth Grade History Class Projects

Throughout the year we will be doing various History Projects. Some of these assignments will be for a grade, others will be for extra credit. These projects will have specific grading rubrics that they will be graded by. These projects will sometimes be individual projects and sometimes a team project. Below are some of the projects that we will be doing throughout the school year with some project examples.

State Brochures

One of our first projects will be the State Brochures Project. This Project will consist of the students selecting a state and a time period and creating a travel guide or informational brochure about the state. The Brochure will have topics such as history, tourist destinations, maps and other pieces of information that makes that state unique. 

State Brochores.PNG

Historical Stamp Collection

One of our funniest projects will be the Historical Stamp Collection Project. During the span of this project, students will select a historical figure and present a paper on that person's life and accomplishments. Students will then design a stamp with their historical figure and present it to the class during a presentation. 


Timeline Project

One of our individual projects is the Time Line Project. With this project the student will select a state and create a timeline from the states creation to a current event. This is one of the more detailed projects because it consists of a lot of research. Even though it is a more detailed project the students always seem to have a great time working on it. The Project will be on display during our PTO meetings throughout the year. 

timeline project.PNG

Dress Up Day

The biggest project of the year will come at the end of the year when we have the Dress Up Day Project. During this project students will select a Historical Figure and write a report about their life and accomplishments. Then the student will dress as his or her Historical Figure and present that report as if they were in a interactive museum

Dress Up Day.PNG
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