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 Mr. Hicks's Fifth Grade History Class Classroom Protocols



1. When walking in the hallway, the students should walk in a silent and straight line. 


2. Come fully prepared for each class. 


3. Respect Others 


4. No water fountain during class. Students may bring water bottles to class. 


5. Follow the Give Me Five procedure. 




Give Me Five:  When a teacher, assistant, principal, visiting parent, special guest speaker, etc. holds up their hand, the students will give that person five. 



1. Eyes on Speaker



 2. Lips Closed



 3. Ears Listening



 4. Sit up Straight



 5. Hands and Feet Quiet. 









Required Materials

Students need to know what to bring to class on a regular basis.






You will only be excused to go to the restroom during the regular allowed times unless you have a note from a doctor.






I do not accept late homework. You either have it on time or with you or you receive a ZERO.






If you are not in the classroom when the bell rings you are tarty. No exceptions. 





Extra Credit

You are not guaranteed extra credit. It will be at my discretion if you will be allowed to do this. If you put no effort into the assignment originally my answer will always be no.



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