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Dear Parents,



            Welcome to the fifth grade! My name is Mr. Hicks and I will be your fifth grade U.S. History teacher for the upcoming school year. I have been here at Heard for several years and I am looking forward to another great year. To get off to a great start please make sure you get your child’s supply list and look it over and purchase all items before school starts. Yes, you will need everything on the list. I suggest you buying two of everything so that at Christmas break you will not have to go shopping again. Please make sure you come to Open house and find out all the information that we have to get to you. It is important for you and your child that we are all on the same page as far as dates, attendance, and work ethic. Please sign up for our email newsletter and stay informed throughout the school year. I can not wait to meet all of you in person. Thank you.



Mr. Hicks

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